Saddle Research Trust 2023 Seminar Series ‘Equine Performance & Safeguarding: How Understanding Ridden Horse Performance Can Protect Our Social Licence to Operate in Equestrianism’
Monday 29th May at Netherton Equestrian, Perthshire. Tickets now on sale!
This seminar will share new ground-breaking work that will change the future of the equine sports industry – for good. The evidence-based information that will be presented is a game-changer for the industry in respect of the welfare and performance of ridden horses and our social licence to operate. The focus of the seminar is on the latest research, the evidence and its practical application.
Equine Performance & Safeguarding:
How Understanding Ridden Horse Performance Can Protect Our
Social Licence to Operate in Equestrianism
Better for longer?
Why many talented horses do not live up to their promise or disappear from competition after a short career
Training issues
What behaviour of the ridden horse can tell us about poor performance
Small gains mean bigger wins
How we can help optimise ridden horse performance
Can we protect our social licence to ride and compete?
How to enhance the ‘happy’ appearance of sports horses
Seminar Programme
9.15 am Registration
9.30 am Anne Bondi
The Equine Safeguarding Concept
What does it mean for equestrian sports?
Followed by Q&A
10.00 am Sue Dyson
Ridden Horse Performance
Development of the Ridden Horse Performance Checklist
Followed by Q&A
10.30 am Sue Dyson
What should a Happy Horse Look Like?
What behaviour of the ridden horse can tell us about poor performance
Followed by Q&A
11.00 am Coffee break
11.15 am Sue Dyson
How can we protect our social licence?
Future-proofing equestrian sports
Followed by Q&A
12.30 pm Lunch break
1.00 pm Sue Dyson and Anne Bondi
Ridden Horse Performance – Practical demonstration
Assessment checklist & practical application
3.00 pm Sue Dyson and Anne Bondi
Assessment Checklist – Practical session
Opportunity to practice applying the checklist
4.00 pm Break
4.15 pm Anne Bondi
4.30 pm
Open forum
Any questions panel & discussion
5.00 pm