Recent Research

Explore our extensive library of current research both undertaken by the Saddle Research Trust and many other renowned researchers in the field

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Research Library

This open access scientific resource of scientific research papers helps to achieve the Saddle Research Trusts’s mission of advancing equestrian welfare, performance and safety by educating and raising awareness of the widely underestimated complexities surrounding the horse – saddle – rider interaction.

Please explore the resources below.

If you would like to keep up to date, get involved or sponsor our ongoing research projects please head over to our Current Research & Funding page.

Rider Safety and Horse Welfare in Equestrianism:

Evidence Based Bit Design:

The Effects Of Climate Change On Sports Horse Management:

Horses Behaviour During Tacking Up And Mounting:

Do horse owners recognise abnormal behaviour?

The Rider Weight Study Part 3

 The influence of rider size on changes in equine back dimensions, muscle tension and pain.

Understanding Gait Abnormalities and Behaviours In the Ridden Horse

Evaluating Saddle Fit-

 Dr Anne Bondi, Saddle Research Trust – Webinar Replay

The Rider Weight Study Part 2

The effects of rider size and saddle fit for horse and rider on forces and pressure distribution under the saddle.

Thr Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram Part 2:


Application of the Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram in the field

The Rider Weight Study Part 2

The effects of rider size and saddle fit for horse and rider on forces and pressure distribution under the saddle.

Thr Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram Part 2:


Application of the Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram in the field

The Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram Part 1:


How Do I Know My Ridden Horse Is In Pain?

The Rider Weight Study Part 1


The influence of rider size and saddle fit on equine gait and behaviour

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