Dr Thilo Pfau is a computer scientist by training, who achieved his PhD in signal patterning and process recognition. Thilo moved from a postdoctoral research position at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, California to the Royal Veterinary College Structure and Motion Lab in the area of biomechanics of quadrupedal movement. Through his exposure to clinical lameness assessments there, he developed a keen interest in the quantitative assessment of lameness in horses using objective techniques which can be used in the field. Since moving to the Department of Clinical Science and Services at the RVC, Thilo has intensified his research in this area, resulting in a considerable number of peer-reviewed equine publications. Many of these were conducted with the use of inertial sensor technology assessing upper-body-movement asymmetry and, more recently, ranges of motion in the equine back.
Thilo enjoys supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students for the research components of their respective degrees, always striving to produce results of publishable quality.
This dynamic presentation, from the 3rd Saddle Research Trust International Conference 2018 shows why Thilo was nominated by public vote to be shortlisted for a SRT Welfare and Performance Award in 2018 as well as bringing every rider, coach, and practitioner up to speed on the current use and benefits of technology.
The full conference presentation is now available to watch on demand. Also available to view is an insightful chat with Professor René Van Weeren, interviewed by 5* eventer Simon Grieve. René once again expertly chaired both the SRT 3rd International Conference and the 2 days of Research Workshops which followed.